Thursday, October 27, 2011

sips photoshoot outtakes

Besides her genius in flavor parings, our sister/sister-in-law, Jordan, is also brilliant behind a camera lens. Since she was in town this week, we asked her to snap a few photos for the blog.

There were some keepers for sure... Of course, there were also some hilarious outtakes. And why keep them to ourselves when we can share them with you?

As you can see, there was a lot of laughter involved during our little photo shoots (is there any other way?). Please tell us that we're not the only ones that have to take seventy-six pictures just to get a couple usable ones?

ps- Jordan would want us to put the disclaimer on here about how the pictures of the boys were totally last minute, taken at night, and not representative of her work (that's true, by the way- there's only so much you can do when you wait to take pictures until 10:30 the last night she's in town). So- sorry about those ones.

1 comment:

  1. I love the face Tricia is making in the picture between the two Adams pics.... SOOOO Tricia! Love and miss you and LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog!
